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Writer's pictureMiMi

August 13, 2024 ~ Tuesday

Im still processing yesterday. It seems my boss, because I shared what happened, is stepping back from his position overseeing my work. I now work for C, who has great ideas and understanding of the challenges R and I have been facing. With the excel workbook, e.g. I’m really grateful to feel like I don’t have to find another job and confident that I’ll be able to earn salary increases in the future, I think. Which is what I really need.

Most importantly, C was great about my book. He said I SHOULD be able to share my story with anyone I want to. I feel 100% supported in my decision to proceed with it! And more than ever I’m feeling the need for it. A book for individuals learning to live again after an episode of psychosis.

I spoke to my brother for a little while about about my book last night. He’s about halfway through. He’s impressed with the WRAP plan idea. I had to point out to him that it wasn’t my idea but from a program already nationally recognized. I’m encouraged.

I’m so happy. Riley begged me for a second walk yesterday evening. We’d been on one in the morning. And, because he only wanted to go 1 block by 1 block and not further, I succeeded in talking him into doing the 1 block a second time! Where there’s a will… I’ll get the big guy some exercise one way or another! He’s barking at me now like he’s ready for a walk this morning. ❤️

I worked for several hours on my paint by number last night. It’s so detailed I don’t feel like I got very far! It’s something! I have to acknowledge I didn’t think about missing drinking at all last night. Just listened to the TV, painted and thought about my day. It was 10pm before I knew it!

I keep thinking about a word that was used to describe someone yesterday. Humbled. Is it because I’m truly living with the challenges? Was it because I was able to cover myself well with my blog? Was it because of the email? I was embarrassed all weekend about the email that I sent and all of the detail that was included in it, but, perhaps I included just enough?

Like I told my friend, “bipolar” individuals like myself can be very resourceful and, at times, try to accomplish many things at one time, often to our detriment. (Know I’m not crazy about living with a label but I do feel using it can be helpful at times) Well I did this in the email. I shared that there are others in my corner who are giving me strength to stand up for myself. And I shared that I have a blog that can prove my state of mind the week of the event. I spent enough time in court over custody issues over the years. I really don’t want to go back again if it can be avoided. That was why I wrote the detail the way I did in my email.

Anyway, humbling. I think, though it was all a somewhat sad situation… maybe I should be proud of that. It really was arrogant behavior that needed to stop. I really do deserve better. I fought for my rights and won!

I worked on my book a little last night. It’s really coming together nice, I think. Every time I touch it I feel it gets a little better. Reads a little smoother. I think it’ll be published before I turn 51!

I also worked on my WRAP plan yesterday morning, adding my new therapist and putting asterisks in front of my favorite wellness tools. My assignment for the week from my therapist. :) Now I need to give the updated copy to the kids.

I’m excited. I’ve been asked to babysit Saturday overnight to Sunday this weekend AND Amy and Savannah are coming to visit. If they make it, we are going to have the babies all to ourselves!! Yay!! With a nice visit with Kalob and Gabby before they leave town too, of course!

Maybe it’s time for me to start crafting a fundraiser for the book. I’m about 95% sure I’ll find the courage to publish it!

I’m grateful this morning for my family, my friends, my health, Riley, my job, C and M!

Meds/vitamins. Water. Coffee. Facebook. Blog. News.

Have an amazing day!

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