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Writer's pictureMiMi

August 9, 2024 ~ Friday

Updated: Aug 12

Thank goodness it’s Friday! Another workweek almost complete.

I spent a good amount of time yesterday calling on prospects because of the weather. Went out in it for a bit.

Applied for a couple jobs but nothing that looked promising yet. I heard from my friend about my resume and he said his adobe editor isn’t working so he’s planning on handwriting edits. Nice of him to take the time.

Was exhausted last night. Watched some Big Bang Theory and a couple episodes of Kleo. Then read more of Hillbilly Elegy and went to sleep at 10. Woke up at 5:30 third day in a row. My sleep was good!

I did one more thing worth mentioning yesterday (not that the other things were!). My therapist gave me an assignment to update my WRAP plan this week. To really go through my wellness tools and think about the things I really like to do. On it! And took it a step further and stopped at Michael’s and bought a paint by number to work on this weekend. I opened it up last night but didn’t feel like reading the instructions to get started. And the numbers are really small! It’s a beautiful lighthouse, something I will put on my wall.

I’m frustrated to see I have a mouse again! Rileys food was open and spilled at the bottom of the bag in the closet. 😡 If it’s not one thing it’s another! And I was going to have Rowan over this weekend!

I’m happy to be able to pay my July rent today. Yes, August is due. But at least I’m only staying one month behind and not more.

If you’re wondering about El, he is keeping his distance now since failing to make me his f buddy. That’s a term he likes. He gave me a song and dance about caring about me then, the last phone conversation we had included ,”call me if you want to do that thing.” As if I’d been converted. That was two weeks ago. I saw him at T’s bday party last weekend and was forced to engage in small talk. That’s all he gets. I’m disappointed but ok with being done with it. No more games.

JD, he’s still saying good morning every morning just to check on me. It’s nice. We’ve shared some photos recently too. And I added him to the list of people to be contacted by my son if I end up in the hospital. I can’t believe how close that came a couple weeks ago.

And G, he calls from time to time. The last couple of times he tried to come over I had to tell him I wasn’t feeling well, because I wasn’t. He understood and told me he hopes I feel better soon.

I’m feeling much better than I was, even though waves of grief come and go for my current position at work. Eventually it will work out. I wish I could push things for resolution. I keep thinking of all types of dramatic things I can do. My therapist recommended being wise. I’ll try! And what would that look like?

I’m grateful for my family and my friends. Riley. My health and my freedom. I’m grateful for the mechanic who put new rotors on my jeep with permission to pay him when I can. 💕 over $500. Rent first! And I’m grateful for this blog. A direct line to my sister, best friend and the world. And my WRAP plan which has helped me help myself to stay alive.

Meds/vitamins, kicked in. Water. Coffee. News. More bad weather! Facebook. Blog.

Have a great day.

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