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Writer's pictureMiMi

October 4, 2023 ~ Done!

I just did it! I shared the beginning of my book with my family. Such a great feeling! I think it's a really good start and the words are just coming to me. Even if it doesn't sell well, it'll be able to be checked off my bucket list and it'll be something left in this world by little ole me. ❤️

Yesterday was a pretty great day. We had our Tues morning sales call and I had a lot of activity to report. I ran 5 appts, dropped in on my kids for a short visit, and ended my workday with a meeting with new prospective MMM clients, an AC/DC tribute band. The guys were pretty great and I'm hoping to work with them in the future.

My book is about being brave in the face of mental health challenges. Including taking the bull by the horns and deciding when to disclose health issues in the dating arena and elsewhere. In the spirit of this, I disclosed to the band about my episode last year. I know it's a small world and we're all in the Richmond music scene in one way or another. I decided to rip off the bandaid and just do it, because I could see some friends in common on social media who know about my issues. I think it went well. 😉 Time will tell I guess!

I spent the evening working on my work plan for today and listening to episodes of Big Bang Theory. I was a little too tired to dance. And creating work plans for my employer can be challenging using the current process. Time-consuming.

Meds/vitamins check. Dogs. Coffee. I read through my book this morning and like what I see so far. I'm going to try to get a little more in before starting my workday. Also... I'm going to try to work on HubSpot and getting our leads into it using my phone. Ugh password issues!

Oh. Today's the day to pick up my heater and drop off tax docs too. Yay!!!!! Seriously loving the progress.

And tonight I play pool.

Have an amazing day!

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