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Writer's pictureMiMi

September 12, 2024 ~ Thurs

I feel like there is a creepy spy in my life now. Ch put a tracking app on my phone (and my colleague’s). The way that he did it, and the way he lied about how much tracking the app does… puts my mind in a place. Things are about to change.

I’m feeling good… MUCH better than over the weekend. I only got 7 hours of sleep last night because I was working late and wound up, BUT thats 7 hours! Still very good for me. It’s been about 6 weeks of better sleep habits for me now.

After a full workday yesterday I napped, then went to dinner with the kids. Gabby made a chicken stir fry which was yummy. The babies were adorable. We played before dinner and it was pure joy.

After dinner I took a closer look at the messenging function of the app on my phone and got upset. I suspect my messages to my colleague to and from over the past year and a half can now be read. Some of them are personal! I’m going to talk to an attorney.

I worked after getting home to prepare a bit for today. I’m so bummed about what’s about to change with work because I really dove into a new program I was just given access to through the company and it is amazing. VendorEdge Pro.

I had an awesome talk with my brother last night about life, and my current circumstances with work and he’s as upset as I am. I get my rear touched at work and now I’M IN TROUBLE? He believes, and I agree, that the app is an invasion of my privacy. What a strange world we live in where an employee can claim the need for privacy in the middle of a workday. Can we? Gray area. No, I don’t think the company needs to know where I am when I am taking breaks and eating.

Gabby had another thought. I don’t want the creep who touched me to know where I am at all times? What belongs to the company belongs to him. The data collected from the app.

Me? I don’t want the company knowing when I’m NOT home… because I don’t want anyone breaking into my house to search for something like, my laptop. The place where I store company information. Proof of work I’ve done… the ridiculous time-wasting activities I’ve been asked to do for the company over the past year and a half… more. My laptop stores my book and access to this blog… so much. Ch asked me for my blog address weeks ago. Said he would only want to use it to try to help me. Guess I’ll start carrying my laptop with me, and backing it up more often. I know this sounds paranoid, but the company has a legacy to protect. And I was just lied to about the total amount of data that is being collected on the app put on my phone. I was also not asked how I would feel about it. 😡 Creeped out.

I’m grateful for my family and friends. My health. My Riley. My home and what I have left of my privacy. The new job that I will find soon.

Meds/vitamins. Water. Coffee. Riley. Facebook. Blog.

Have a day!

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